Health insurance

Treatment insurance for businesses looking to reduce absence, and quickly get employees back to work after illness or injury. Get a quote for health insurance for your company.

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Why should businesses have health insurance?

  • Reduce absence

    Employees have quick access to treatment in specialized healthcare services. Our guarantee is consultation with a specialist doctor within 7 working days. Then treatment or surgery within 10 working days. This enables employees to return to work faster in case of illness or injury

  • Reduced costs associated with illness

    Both the company and employees benefit from reduced absence. When employees receive treatment quickly for illness or injury, the costs of absence are reduced.

  • Become an attractive employer

    Health insurance can be an important employee benefit that motivates and contributes to employee retention within the company.

This is included in the health insurance

The company health insurance offers three different coverages: Basic, Standard, and Super. Here's what's included in each coverage.

Basis Standard Super

Consultation with a medical specialist within 7 working days. Then treatment or surgery within 10 working days.

Included Included Included

You are supported by a personal medical advisor throughout the treatment process.

Included Included Included

If you have experienced an acute event such as robbery, violence, or sudden death, up until 10 consultations is covered through the Psychological First Aid service.

Included Included Included

Covers costs for travel and accommodation related to assessment and treatment

Included Included Included

Covers rehabilitation if the need is a direct consequence of a surgery or treatment. You must be referred by a medical specialist in specialist healthcare.

Included Included Included

Through your health insurance, you can receive a new assessment of an already diagnosed condition, proposed or initiated treatment, or previously administered treatment.

Included Included Included

24/7 counseling where experienced nurses answer questions about illness and health.

Included Included Included

Ability to utilize our negotiated prices for treatment or surgery not covered by the insurance.

Included Included Included

Doctor consultation via video or chat for prescription renewal, health inquiries, and other queries that do not require a physical examination.

Not included Included Included

We cover physical therapy without the need for a referral as long as it is considered medically necessary for sustained improvement in the case of illness or injury. Super has no limitation on the number treatments. Standard includes eight treatments.

Not included Included Included

Digital self-help service for the treatment of, among others, anxiety, depression, and sleep difficulties.

Not included Included Included

Covers up until 10 consultations, with referral from your doctor.

Not included Not included Included

Covers expenses for substance abuse and gambling rehabilitation up to 150,000.

Not included Not included Included

Take care of the people who keep the company running

A health insurance plan for you and your employees is a wise investment that contributes to reduced absenteeism. If someone in the company falls ill, unexpected costs can arise, and you may risk losing income. With our health insurance, you take good care of your most important resource, your employees.

With health insurance (also known as treatment insurance), you and your employees receive prompt assistance if you need surgery or treatment from a specialist.

Health insurance for companies in Norway - illustrative image
  • Digital self-help tool
    Through the Overvinne app, you receive self-help assistance. This can be beneficial even before the need for a psychologist arises.

    Digital self-help tool

    With Overvinne, taking the first step can be easier. The app can be used when you have time, in an environment of your choice. You go through a treatment program at your own pace, and the advice you receive adapts to your emotional needs. 

    The Overvinne app is developed by psychologists and provides self-help assistance through videos, exercises, audio files, mood reports, and articles. You can use the app on your own or with a psychologist, whenever and wherever it suits you. The services in the app can be used for free and as much as you like, without a doctor's referral. The program is equivalent to a treatment course of 14 psychologist sessions.

    You can use the digital tool without a referral, but if you need to speak with a psychologist, either in-person or through a video call, you must first have a referral from a doctor and report a claim. Remember that all treatment have to be pre-approved to be covered by the health insurance.

    Please note that the digital self-help tool is only available in Norwegian.

    Register with Overvinne

  • Digital doctor
    With digital doctor's appointment included in your health insurance, you can quickly and easily get in touch with a doctor whenever you need it, no matter where you are. Video and chat allows the doctor to assess a range of symptoms, so you can receive tailored advice and recommendations just for you.

    Digital doctor

    If you have digital doctor included in your health insurance, you can reach out with questions both about yourself and children under 18 years of age.

    What can Hjemmelegene help you with?

    • Treatment and follow-up of medical issues where a physical examination is not required
    • Medical advice and recommendations
    • Renewal of prescriptions for most regular medications
    • Referral to a medical specialist or further examinations based on a medical assessment

    Here's how to use Hjemmelegene

    • Go to Hjemmelegene
    • Log in using your Bank-ID and your health insurance policy number
    • Briefly describe what you need help with or the reason for your doctor's appointment
    • Before your doctor's appointment, you will receive a message with a link to the video room where you will meet the doctor
  • Medical advisory
    Do you have questions about health, illness, or injuries? You can use our medical advisory service free of charge when you need it, 24/7. Call us for a conversation with experienced nurses.

    What is medical advisory?

    Our medical advisory service can assist you with questions regarding health, illness, or injuries. This can involve both physical and mental health. You can call anytime, day or night, and you'll quickly speak with experienced nurses who will answer questions and concerns, and guide you on what steps to take next. The service is available 24/7!

  • Physical therapy
    If you have physiotherapy included in your health insurance, you can receive prompt assistance for musculoskeletal issues. We cover treatment by physiotherapists, chiropractors, manual therapists, naprapaths, and osteopaths without the need for a referral.

    Good and prompt assistance for musculoskeletal issues

    Musculoskeletal disorders have become a significant societal issue and are currently the leading cause of long-term absence and disability in Norway. At Vertikal Helse, we have a large medical team with expertise in musculoskeletal conditions, so that we can assist our customers in becoming as healthy as possible as quickly as possible.

    Report a claim
  • Psychological first aid
    If you have experienced an acute event such as robbery, violence, or sudden death, this is covered through the Psychological First Aid service.

    Psychological First Aid

    If you have experienced an acute event such as robbery, violence, or sudden death, this is covered through the Psychological First Aid service. You don't need to register a case on our website, but can call directly to report your needs.

    Psychological First Aid is included in your health insurance,

    Call 22 96 50 07 if you're in need of acute assistance

  • Assesment and treatment
    If you have seen your general practitioner and have been referred for further evaluation, your health insurance can assist you if the public waiting time is long. We collaborate with numerous private clinics with expertise in the assessment and treatment of various medical conditions.

    Good and prompt treatment

    If you have issues that require specialized expertise, you will typically be referred to the specialist healthcare service for assessment and treatment. This usually takes place at the public hospital level, where there are often long waiting times. The purpose of health insurance is to ensure swift access to specialist expertise.

    If you have been referred to the specialist healthcare service, and the public waiting time exceeds the guarantee period in the insurance agreement, you can register a case with us. This applies both if you are referred for medical imaging, such as MRI or CT scans, and to a medical specialist, such as a pulmonologist, orthopedist, or neurologist.